Dart Game Guide
For beginners about darts

Count Scores

If your dart hits this area, the points' value equals x1. (if you hits 5, you score 5 points)
This zone is the easiest to achieve as it has the biggest area.


If your dart hits this area, the points' value equals x2. (if you hit 5, you score 10 points)
It's not as easy as the single zone due to its smaller area.

If your dart hits this area, the points' value equals x3. (if you hit 5, you score 15 points)
This area is the smallest and also the most difficult.


The inner Bullseye is the smaller, central area of the bullseye. The outer Bullseye is the larger, round area surrounding the inner bullseye. Both of them carry the highest point value, such as 50 points.

But why everyone aims the bullseye?
The highest score is not the bullseye. It's triple 20!
Because the area of the bullseye is larger than the triple 20. It's easier!

Dart Grips
The way you hold a dart can significantly impact your accuracy and control in dart games. Here are a few common dart grips:
Pencil Grip
Hold the dart as if you were holding a pencil.
Grip the barrel between your thumb and index finger.
The other fingers can rest lightly for support.

Three-Finger Grip
Hold the dart with only three fingers on the barrel.
Typically, the thumb, index, and middle fingers are used.
This grip allows for a LOOSER FEEL DURING the THROW.

Four-Finger Grip
Hold the dart with all four fingers on the barrel.
The thumb goes on one side, and the other three fingers on the opposite side.
This grip provides a STABLE HOLD.

Dart Stance
To be consistent, your body should be balanced and feel as natural as possible when standing at the throw line. The easiest way to achieve this is to have both feet flat and anchored to the floor with your foot against the throw line.
Middle Stance
A good standard stance for dart beginners. The lead foot is at around a 45-degree angle to the throw line.
The back foot is positioned at a slight angle for balance and sustains 10% of the body weight on the toe.

Side-On Stance
Standing completely sideway.
This stance is often favored by many players for its stability and ease of alignment.

Front Facing Stance
Stand facing the dartboard with both feet pointing forward.
Some players find it comfortable, especially if they have a natural tendency to face forward.

Don't Step Over the Throw Line
We must stand behind the throw line, not step over the throw line.

Throwing Darts
4 movements, Setup, Pull back, Release, and Follow through that make fun.
1 - Set-Up
The Setup is a posture for the first step of throwing. Face the board, focus both eyes to aim, and keep your body balanced and comfortable.

2 - Pull a dart Back
Try to move your arm from your elbow so your arm makes a folding fan shaped movement. Now let's move your elbow back, and you can position your hand so that the palm naturally faces up, remember relax and keep your wrist.

3 - Release
The movement where you release the dart. Throw like you are releasing a paper plane without moving your elbow. Try to release all your fingers at once. If any of the finger's release is delayed, the flight of the dart will be unstable.

4 - Follow Through
The movement where you extend your arm straight after release. It is almost like you are pointing at the target you aimed for with your fingertips.

Game Rules
A wide variety of 01 games: 301, 501, 701, 901, 1101, and 1501! Since the last 2 digits are all “01”, these games are called "Zero One/Oh-One."
The 301 & 501 are the most common and good for beginners.
How to Play?
The objective of the 01 game is to reach exactly zero points by subtracting your score with each dart throw.
If the game is 301, everyone starts with 301 points. The number hit is reduced from the starting points(301) and the game ends when the score becomes exactly 0!
The first player to lower his/her score to 0 wins!
A "Bust" occurs when a player's score goes below zero (negative). When a player busts, the score reverts to what it was before this turn whether 3 darts are thrown or not. The next player has to take turns to throw darts.

If a player has a remaining score of 32 and hits the bullseye, 50. The bust occurs, and the turn is nullified, the new score would be still 32.

Aiming at the specific areas which are 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and the Bull. You get no points for other areas.
Open the areas firstly
Aim the segment you want, once you get 3 marks, that number is OPEN.

Specific Areas

How to count 3 Marks?

1 Mark
Hit the number at the Single Area once.
2 Marks
Hit the number at the Single Area Twice.
Or hit the nunber at the Double Area Once .
3 Marks
Hit the number at the Single Area 3 Times.
Or hit the number at the Double Area Twice.
Or hit the number at the Triple Area Once.
All these are 3 Marks! That means this area is yours, Start to get score!

I got my area opened, now I am doing my best to get scores!

Not that easy, the area may be closed by your opponents!
How come?
If your opponent hit the number by getting 3 marks, the area becomes Unavailable for scoring. This means Close, and no one can get score from that area anymore.


How to Win?
The player who has the highest score when all numbers are closed or at the round limits, wins.
If the round limit has not being reached, or all areas have not being opened, players can turn the game around and win in CRICKET.
SUPER EASY dart game for beginners.
Every player starts from 0, hits numbers with 3 darts per round, and adds the points.
The winner will be the player who gets the highest score when 8 rounds are finished.

Darts & Accessories
Shop-provided darts available
Most places with dart machines provide players the house darts.
Steel-Tip or Soft-Tip darts
Most of Steel Tip Darts have a sharp steel point, typically used on traditional sisal fiber dartboards. Common in professional settings.
Soft Tip Dart has a soft, plastic tip, suitable for electronic dartboards with sensors. Often used in casual and home settings.
Don't worry, no matter what kinds of darts and dart boards, stores provide the correct darts to guests.
If you have your own darts, make sure that the store or the bar you would like to go that has electronic or traditional sisal dart boards.

Parts of a Dart
Tip: Tip is the part that used to be sticked in the dartboard. It is consumable and often needs to be replaced.
Barrel: Barrrel is the part players hold and that is the center of the balance on a dart. Choose one which has a suitable textured surface and friction suits you.
Shaft: The shaft is used for stability and balance. It connects the flight to the barrel and influences the dart's path during flight.
Flight: The flight, also known as a fin or feather, is the wing-like component located at the back end of the dart. It plays a crucial role in stabilizing the dart during flight.

Darts Distance Rules

Dart Board Hanging
The center of the bullseye should be positioned 173 cm (5 feet 8 inches) above the floor.
Distance of darts throwing
The distance from the front of the dartboard (not the wall) to the toe line or oche should be 237 cm (7 feet 9.25 inches) for soft tip darts.
The distance from the front of the dartboard (not the wall) to the toe line or oche should be 244 cm (8 feet) for steel tip darts.
DARTMAN reserves the right to modify the rules for website and service usage.